Friday, August 12, 2011

How to use fuckpsn and fuck psn (fuck psn 0.5) download

Developer drizzt has officially released fuckPsn v0.6. Now if you’ve been using what you believe to be 0.6, you should ask yourself: When did I download this? Because if you downloaded fuck Psn v0.6 before today it is probably not the official version from drizzt.
This Windows executable — by the way, fuckpsn tutorial Linux works too, visit the source — acts as a DNS and SSL Proxy server getting you back on fuckpsn v5 by using your PC as an intermediary. Requests from the PS3 are sent to your PC and certain data is manipulated and forwarded along to fuckpsn linux. Can Sony detect this hack? Well, perhaps … version fck psn 0.6 does take an extra precautionary step how to use fuckpsn an empty console ID.

How to use fuckPsn

  1. Install dev_blind.pkg and OpenPS3FTP on your PS3
  2. Launch dev_blind and make it mount the flash
  3. Open OpenPS3FTP
  4. Connect via FTP to PS3 (using username root and password openbox)
  5. Go to /dev_blind/data/cert
  6. Rename CA27.cer to CA27.cer.bak
  7. Put my CA27.cer as /dev_blind/data/cert/CA27.cer
  8. Set the PS3’s PRIMARY and SECONDARY DNS server to your PC’s IP address
  9. Reboot your PS3
  10. Start fuckPsn-v0.6.exe
  11. Enjoy PSN
Remember: Cheating online is lame. Don’t be a lamer.

Update: I almost forgot ChrisTechTV made a video tutorial:
fuck psn Download: fuckPsn v0.6
While everyone is trying to connect to FuckPSN 0.5 before a possible CFW3.56, methods appear on the canvas with the current 3.55. But it is clear that they are not accessible to everyone. Today is Drizzt who becomes a building block in its solution offering with the sweet name of FuckPSN v0.5. This tool replaces the proxy and Charles MaraDNS, making handling a bit more accessible. The big news of this is that fuckpsn v0.5 download is now compatible with all firmwares.

Tired of the tutorials? Well, now drizzt, the creator of Gaia Manager has released a simple solution for those who want to access fuckpsn 0.5 tutorial on their 3.55 CFW console with his controversial app (especially to Sony), fuckPsn. Just follow the steps below after you have downloaded the archive pack containing all the files you need at the bottom of this post.

fckpsn 0.5 Installation:

  1. Install dev_blind and OpenPS3FTP on your hacked PS3
  2. Launch dev_blind so /dev_flash is now writable under /dev_blind
  3. Launch OpenPS3FTP and connect using an FTP client on your PC
  4. Browse to /dev_blind/data/cert
  5. Create a backup of the original “CA24.cer” “CA27.cer” file
  6. Upload the new CA24.cer CA27.cer file from the PSN pack below
  7. Set your PS3′s Primary DNS to your PC’s IP address

    (where fuckPSN.exe will be running)
  8. Set your PS3′s Secondary DNS to your actual DNS server

    or simply use OpenDNS:
  9. Reboot your PS3
  10. Start fuckPSN.exe on your PC
  11. Log into PSN!


Added compatibility for all firmwares
fuckpsn 0.5 download: (1.76 MB) (NEW)
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