Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon Eboot fix earth defense force EBOOT

Today yet another title becomes playable on CFW 3.55 due to a little EBOOT.BIN and PARAM.SFO tweaking. The game is set in the future and is a sequel to 2017 Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon PS3 CFW Fix.
Download Here
oday an Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon (BLUS30688) PS3 CFW EBOOT.BIN / PARAM.SFO fix has arrived for PlayStation 3 Custom Firmware users courtesy of michaelscz.
Download: Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon PS3 CFW Fix / Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon PS3 CFW Fix (Mirror) / Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon PS3 CFW Fix (Mirror #2) / Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon PS3 CFW Fix (Mirror #3) / BLUS-30688 (Original EBOOT and SFO file)
To quote: Here is the earth defense force EBOOT Defense Force Insect Armageddon BLUS-30688 fix, it fixes the game just launch it with multiMAN select + x it is tested on CFW 3.55 but people have been reporting it works on 3.41.
The video game is a sequel to 2017 Earth Defense Force Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon EBOOT which includes a three-player cooperative campaign and up to six players in survival mode.
Notes: The PlayStation 3 game is reported as being a 3.56 Firmware title and also working via multiMAN EBOOTMod and EBOOTFix Tools with a PS3 disc in the drive and BD MIRROR ON earth defense force cfw.
oday MultiMAN’s deanrr has made available new PS3 EBOOTMod and EBOOTFix Tools, which allow users to decrypt and re-encrypt newer PlayStation 3 executable files for use on older PS3 Firmware versions.
Download: PS3 EBOOTMod and EBOOTFix Tools / PS3 EBOOTMod and EBOOTFix Tools (Mirror)
To quote: Here is an updated version of the tools. earth defense force insect armageddon cfw They now handle properly SPRX files. (thanks to belmondo for the hints!)
There are few important fixes (about path with spaces and wrong byte change which may cause crashes and also fixed PARAM.SFO in RETAIL to be DG type). Don’t use previous versions I posted. This package also includes multiMAN 01.16.11 (TEST UPDATE#5) which handles properly SPRX files during SHADOW COPY.
ebootFIX now produces TWO separate folders:
One is [NPDRM] – to be used as PSN-styled game to launch from XMB (to be used with multiMAN’s shadow copy PS3 Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon iso)
The other one is [RETAIL] – it will generate the full game structure with all subfolders + all EBOOT.BIN / *.self / *.sprx files.
[NPDRM] has a PKG file to be used with multiMAN’s shadow copy.
[RETAIL] can be used to directly replace the files in your original game BACKUP.
Let me know if it works properly for you.
Short readme for ebootMOD and ebootFIX:
ebootFIX: Drag and drop a PS3 game folder to ebootFIX.exe.
For example drag&drop
to ebootFIX.exe. ebootFIX processes whole game folders and produces two output folders:
[NPDRM] – folder – content ready to be installed as PSN-style XMB game:
You will find two PKG files in the folder. The tool will decrypt and sign all executables (EBOOT.BIN and other .self / .sprx files) to make them compatible with lower firmware versions. Follow the generated INSTRUCTIONS in [NPDRM] folder.
[RETAIL] – folder – all files which you can replace in your original backup copy to play the game via a Game Manager.
ebootMOD: Drag & drop a file (EBOOT.BIN, .self or .sprx) to ebootMOD.exe.Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon fix It will decrypt and sign the file to make it compatible with lower firmware versions. The generated file will be saved in the same folder with the original, prefixed with “MODIFIED_”.
More options available via command-line.
Steps are simple and anyone can manage to create PKG for any game he wishes.
1) Drag&drop PS3_GAME folder of your game to “ebootFIX.exe” application
2) You will get a ready to use PKG file
3) Install it on your PS3 and start the game from the XMB Earth_Defense_Force_Insect_Armageddon eboot.
4) Get your game on your PS3′s INTERNAL HDD
5) Start multiMAN, go to FileManager (select+start)
6) Browse to your game backup, select PS3_GAME folder and press [R3]
7) multiMAN will create some links/shadow copies for your game (no space needed)
8 ) Exit multiMAN and start the game from XMB
You can find eboot_FIX application in the first post of multiMAN’s thread. Once the Earth Defense Force eboot fixprogram completes you’ll get an instructions (.txt) file if you don’t understand the steps above – read the .txt instructions.
Example: Colin McRae Dirt (1) doesn’t work from a backup.Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon Eboot fix So if you drag&drop its PS3_GAME folder to ebootFIX.exe you’ll get two folders:

  • [BLES00095] [RETAIL] Colin McRae DiRT and
  • [BLES00095] [NPDRM] Colin McRae DiRT (HDD) with files:
1) [BLES00095] Colin McRae DiRT (HDD).pkg
2) [BLES00095] Colin McRae DiRT (HDD)-FW_355.pkg
3) [BLES00095] Colin McRae DiRT (HDD).txt (instructions as posted below)
To use this tutorial you will need a Windows PC and PS3 with multiMAN 01.16.12 (or newer). Please follow these steps exactly in this order! Do not skip or reverse the steps.
[PC] folder generated: “[BLES00095] [NPDRM] Colin McRae DiRT (HDD)”:
!) [PS3] Delete all GAME DATA you may have on you PS3 system for “Colin McRae: DiRT�” game!
1) [PC] Copy the generated PKG file to the root folder of USB stick or USB HDD:
-> for firmwares 01.90-03.41: “[BLES00095] Colin McRae DiRT (HDD).pkg”
-> for firmwares 03.55- : “[BLES00095] Colin McRae DiRT (HDD)-FW_355.pkg”
2) [PS3] Install the PKG file from [* Install package files] menu on your PS3
3) [PS3] Open multiMAN in file manager mode on your PS3 system (press SELECT+START)
4) [PS3] Browse to your game ps3 Earth Defense Force eboot (on internal HDD) and press [R3] while PS3_GAME folder is selected
5) This operation will create SHADOW copy of “Colin McRae: DiRT�” to: -> /dev_hdd0/G/E00095 and -> /dev_hdd0/game/BLES00095
6) [PS3] Exit multiMAN
7) [PS3] Launch the game directly from “Colin McRae: DiRT� (HDD)” icon on the [GAME] column in XMB
8 ) [PS3] If prompted to update the game to newer version – cancel the update
!) You can use [BLES00095] [MODIF] files directly with your game if you decide not to use the (HDD) PKGs, but you will have to rename Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon cfw them to the original names and replace in your game backup folder OR just use files from:
[BLES00095] [RETAIL] Colin McRae DiRT folder.
[PC] folder generated: “[BLES00095] [RETAIL] Colin McRae DiRT”:
1) Replace all files in your original game backup with the contents of the [RETAIL] folder
2) That is it
*) DISCLAIMER: Use this application ONLY with legally owned content!
Finally, another guide from Rogero, to quote:
I have written this small tutorial on Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon eboot how this package should be used, this was tested a lot in the last few days Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon patch and is working fine with games that requires FW 3.56 where the “eboot.bin/self/sprx” files needs to be properly patched for the games to run on FW <= 3.55 (and for future versions like FW 3.60 the required keys can be added to the package and EbootFIX.exe will work fine too)
To use this tutorial you will need a Windows PC and PS3 with multiMAN 01.16.12 (or newer). Please follow these steps exactly in this order! Do not skip or reverse the steps. (This will work for any 3.56 game and not only “The Tomb Raider Trilogy”)
1- Get a copy of the game with original/untouched files on your external USB HDD or on your computer HDD. Note: you can always keep an untouched copy of your game as a backup in case something goes wrong.
2- install the latest EbootFix package with latest multiMAN from here:
3- extract the downloaded package content on your PC and install the included multiMAN update on your PS3. earth defense force insect armageddon ps3 patch (multiMAN 01.16.12 or newer is required)
4- from the game folder on your USB HDD/PC, drag and drop the [PS3_GAME] folder onto the EbootFIX.exe (careful here, not on EbootMOD.exe but on EbootFIX.exe) it should start scanning and processing the needed files. It takes about 4 ~ 5 minutes for “The Tomb Raider Trilogy” to finish. Once finished, you will have 2 new folders in the same folder of EbootFIX.exe :
“[BLES01195] [NPDRM] The Tomb Raider Trilogy (HDD)” and “[BLES01195] [RETAIL] The Tomb Raider Trilogy”
5-Copy the content of the folder “[BLES01195] [RETAIL] The Tomb Raider Trilogy” and overwrite the original games files.
Now it have the patched files & you can play it from any backup manager Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon ps3 patched like a normal game. If you want to play the game in retail mode = using a backup manager then you’re ready and you can stop here at this step.
Note: “The Tomb Raider Trilogy” is a “Black Screen Game” and it needs to be on external drive + launched with “Select+x”
Steps 6 to 15 are now needed only to play the game from XMB:
6- Copy the game to your PS3 internal HDD.
7- [PS3] Delete all GAME DATA you may have on you PS3 system for “The Tomb Raider Trilogy” game!
8- [PC] from this folder “[BLES01195] [NPDRM] The Tomb Raider Trilogy (HDD)”
Copy the generated PKG file to the root folder of USB stick or USB HDD:
–> for firmwares 01.90-03.41: “[BLES01195] The Tomb Raider Trilogy (HDD).pkg”
–> for firmwares 03.55- : “[BLES01195] The Tomb Raider Trilogy (HDD)-FW_355.pkg”
9- [PS3] Install the PKG file from [* Install package files] menu on your PS3
10-[PS3] Open multiMAN 01.16.12 (or newer) in file manager mode on your PS3 system (press SELECT+START)
11-[PS3] Browse to your game (on internal HDD) and press [R3] while PS3_GAME folder is selected
This operation will create SHADOW copy of “The Tomb Raider Trilogy” to:
–> /dev_hdd0/G/E01195 and
–> /dev_hdd0/game/BLES01195
12-[PS3] Exit multiMAN
13-[PS3] Launch the game directly from “The Tomb Raider Trilogy (HDD)” icon on the [GAME] column in XMB
14-[PS3] If prompted to update the game to newer version – cancel the update
15-say Thanks to Dean and Belmondo for their efforts & enjoy your game.
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